Reducing the carbon footprint of construction products and transitioning the construction sector to a circular economy is a major challenge for the industry. The use of renewable and/or recycled raw materials in the chemical production of construction products saves fossil resources and contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
However, one challenge is the limited availability of renewable feedstock. This leads to the necessity to account for the share of recycled material in the final product. Not all sectors and value chains can benefit from dedicated (segregated) production systems resulting in 100 % renewable content. To access more sustainable products and become a driver for the use of renewable and/or chemically recycled resources, customers must be allowed to account for them using by chain-of-custody methods such as mass balance credits. This is the only solution to expand the supply of more sustainable products with existing at-scale technologies for the benefit of the customer.
In order to take advantage of these sustainable solutions, many companies and associations are calling for the acceptance of the mass balance credit method as a chain-of-custody method for renewable/recycled feedstocks in European standards and for EPD programme operators.
Transparent and fact-based EPDs provide quantitative statements on the environmental performance of building products and form the basis for the sustainability assessment of buildings. The transition to a circular economy must be accelerated without compromising the quality and performance of the end products.
The method needs to be recognised in European standards and for EPD programme operators. Such recognition is essential to avoid bottlenecks in the supply of building materials and to use existing infrastructures to pave the way for future circular models in other sectors.
Date of release: September 9, 2022
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